It's finally here!  The Science Fair will be from 9:15 through 11:00.  Students: all projects are to be taken to your classroom.  The classes will be heading down to the cafeteria at 9:15 for set-up and later, judging.  Parents: you are permitted to enter the Fair at 10:00.  All projects will be taken down at 11:00.  Winners will be announced after the Fair and awards will be given to winners at the BCES Staff Talent Show between 6:30-8:30.
Thank you to all who helped with the fifth grade adventure to D.C. by purchasing a $5 off coupon for Belk's Charity Day sale on Saturday, November 5th.  You can help more by going to the sale tomorrow!  We look forward to seeing you there!
Please check your child's teacher's weebly pages for information on the Science Fair coming up.  It's just around the corner on Thursday, November 17th.  The information can also be found here on the Fifth Grade Weebly page.
DC Chaperones: please note the blurb regarding the DC trip on the DC field trip link of this page.
Second payment due to the school by November 18th of $100.  Checks should be made out to BCES.  The third and final payment will be TBD with a cost TBD.  We are doing a terrific job with fundraising and hope to have a reduction for everyone on the final payment.